In order to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 concerning decent work and economic growth, the Community Service team at Universitas Negeri Malang provided socialization and training on financial literacy and the potential and challenges of BUMDES in Desa Balesari, Kecamatan Ngajum, Kabupaten Malang. The event, which was held on Sunday, 13 August 2023, was attended by village officials and PKK Balesari village women. This Community Service begins with delivering material on financial management and investment management to families and ends with material on the potential and challenges of Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES).

In the material presented by Muhammad, SE., MSA., Ak., CA., CSRS. BUMDES is a business organization within the scope of the village that has enormous potential; this potential will bring prosperity to village communities if it can be managed properly. One of the important points of delivering this material is that BUMDES is not established to compete with or kill MSME businesses that already exist in the village, but BUMDES should move into other sectors such as exploration of natural resources owned by the village, the agricultural sector, the financial sector or distribution and transportation.

SDG 8 Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi